Thursday, February 22, 2007

So here's a question

If the bow-tied bald-headed bespectactled liberal doesn't know any conservatives and is completely mystified by them, why is he pouring out his heart to a conservative duck?

Be a glutton for punishment: Read the strip


Raphael said...

Within the world of MF, today's strip is actually pretty good. I mean, there's an actual punch line and social commentary there.

No, it's still a REALLY lame strip. Still REALLY unfunny.
But far better than Tinsley's usual "I hate liberals" shtick.

Raphael said...

To illustrate how unfunny the usual conservative cartoon is, I direct you to my other least favorite political cartoonist, Mike Shelton:

Erich said...

Oh. My. God.

Raphael's right, those Mike Shelton cartoons are truly dire, with this one being particularly hateful:

The Anna Nicole Smith "Daddy Overdose" panel was incredibly tacky, as well...I mean, was it necessary to draw her on the slab with her legs APART? Ewww...